Imagine It, Watch It, Become It

Customized Mind Movies, Expertly Crafted Just for You


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Discover the power of Mind Movies in under 2 minutes.


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Intrigued? Click to Experience a Sample Mind Movie!

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It's as Easy as 1-2-3

Step 1:

The Starter Pack

Start strong with our Starter Pack. You'll:

  • Clarify your true desires
  • Release potential inner resistance
  • Craft compelling goals and affirmations
  • Pick inspiring images and motivating music

Step 2:

One-on-One Storyboarding Session

Next, book a 45-min virtual session with our experts to:

  • Refine your vision
  • Build your Mind Movie's flow from start to finish

Step 3:

Receive Your Customized Movie & Optimization Series

Finally, get your customized Infinity Mind Movie live with even more purpose and intention

  • Also, dive into our Optimization Series to master resilience with HeartMath® tools
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Fully-Customized Infinity Mind Movie


What's Included in this package?

  • Unlimited Access to the Starter Pack Series
  • One 45-min Virtual Storyboarding Session
  • Your Customized Infinity Mind Movie (Up to 5 minutes)
  • Unlimited Access to the Optimization Series
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Real Results from Real People

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The Signature Experience

Fast-Track Your Success with Premium Support


Our Signature Experience is a fast track to your next level, offering high-touch service and extra support. Benefit from four intensive one-on-one coaching sessions with a Certified Infinity Coach by your side, guiding you through every step of the process. Together, you will refine your goals and release unconscious resistance using tools like EFT Tapping and Havening Techniques®.

Includes premium access to our Starter Pack and Optimization Series and a customized Infinity Mind Movie.

Ready to elevate? Let's go.

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"My senses are transported to new heights. It is like experiencing your future state now. Infinity Mind Movies are incredibly impactful!"

- Sincia Liu

Executive Director, Comrise

"If you want to leverage an evidence-based means of reaching your desired states, I highly recommend Infinity Mind Movies!"

- Dr. Mike Pelfini

CEO Coach, Vistage Worldwide

"My Infinity Mind Movie has been so much fun to watch. It’s serious work but presented in a fun, approachable, and very personal way."

- Jen Visosky

Founder, Beauty Mark

 "The Infinity Mind Movies process is built for ease and flexibility to get you up and running quickly. It's an invaluable part of my morning routine!"

- Kevin Traut

President, Superior Press

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Book a complimentary 1-on-1 consultation with our team


Since your needs and goals are unique to you, we want to give you the opportunity to get your specific questions answered. Our Infinity Mind Movies consultants are ready to walk you through any aspect of this program and give you the answers you need. These calls are free. Just pick a time that fits your schedule.

Book a Consultation →

"This Infinity Mind Movie will go down as one of the most important tools in the 36 years of our company!"

- Tim Vasquez

Owner and President, Someburros

"My Infinity Mind Movie has been crafted in a way that aligns perfectly with my ideas and perceptions of my future state."

- Stephanie Gebhardt

CFO, MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions, Inc.

"My Infinity Mind Movie is having a powerful impact on my life already. The process was well guided and very effective."

- Alejandro Bernal

President and CEO, PetDx

"I look forward to waking up to my Infinity Mind Movie and watching it again before bed every day."

- Rebekah Hogan

Founder, Markah Vida

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