$599.00 USD

Participation & Release of Liability Agreement

Thank you for participating in the Infinity Mind Movies Program (the “Program”) offered by Infinity Mind Movies, LLC and facilitated by Maya Kogan (the “Facilitator”). This Participation & Release of Liability Agreement (“Agreement”) contains important information for you to understand regarding your enrollment in the Program. By participating in the Program, you agree to the following: 


  1. The Program is designed to increase self-awareness and alignment  for leaders, entrepreneurs, and others addressing both personal development and professional high performance. The purpose of the Program is to provide an Infinity Mind Movie tool (no longer than 5 minutes), 1 one-on-one virtual 45-minute Storyboarding Session, techniques, and strategies to help participants achieve their goals with more ease.
  2. The duration of the Program is to last for no more than eight (8) weeks. You understand that there is a $30 weekly extension penalty for every additional week extension after the Program’s eight (8) weeks end. The program officially begins on the date on which you make the payment for the Starter Pack Course.
  3. If you must reschedule a session due to an unavoidable conflict or illness, you will give the Facilitator at least 24 hours' notice prior to a session to reschedule (unless it is a true emergency). Otherwise, missing an appointment without advance notice is considered a paid session ($150).
  4. You understand that you will have no more than 5 days to submit revision requests for your Infinity Mind Movie upon its receipt. 
  5. The emails listed in the course materials, [email protected] and [email protected], are inactive. Please email Maya directly at [email protected] for any course-related communications, submissions, or inquiries.
  6. The information presented during the Program, including ideas, suggestions, techniques, trainings, strategies, tools, activities, exercises, handouts, activities, processes, instructions, and other materials is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical or psychological advice.
  7. You agree and understand that because of the experiential nature of the Program, the Facilitator cannot provide any guarantees or predictions regarding the outcome or the results you may experience from participating in the Program.
  8. The Starter Pack Recordings will be available to participants as streaming and participants are not allowed to download the Recordings. Further, you agree and understand that Infinity Mind Movies, LLC shall have all rights in and to the Session Recordings, including the copyrights therein, and may distribute and exploit them in any manner. 
  9. You acknowledge the Facilitator owns all right, title, and interest, in and to the Program, including intellectual property rights, and the copyrights therein. While as a participant in the Program, you may print a copy of the PDF workbook for your own personal use, you may not adapt, alter, modify, retransmit, rent, lease, loan, self-publish, distribute, disseminate, broadcast, communicate or make available to the public the workbook or any other information or materials contained in the Program, in whole or in part, or create derivative works of the Program. Any breach of the foregoing is a violation of Federal laws. Consequently, the Facilitator will defend her legal rights to protect her intellectual property rights and copyrights in and to the Program.
  10. You acknowledge that you have carefully and completely read and fully understand all aspects of this Agreement. By participating in the Program, you, your heir(s) and legal representative(s) knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently assume all risks, including any adverse outcome that might result from your participation in the Program. Further, you agree that this Agreement is intended to be a complete unconditional release of liability and assumption of risk to the greatest extent permitted by law.
  11. This Agreement sets forth the sole and entire understanding of the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof. Any and all matters in dispute between the parties to this Agreement, whether arising from or relating to this Agreement itself, or arising from alleged extra-contractual facts prior to, during, or subsequent to this Agreement, including, without limitation, fraud, misrepresentation, negligence or any other alleged tort or violation of the contract, shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of State of Arizona, without regard to conflicts of law doctrines and regardless of the legal theory upon which such matter is asserted. If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon you, your heir(s), and legal representative(s).
  12. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, you, your heir(s), and legal representative(s) agree to forever fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Infinity Mind Movies LLC, its owners, members, staff members, employees, consultants, agents, representatives, and independent contractors from any and all claims or liability, of whatsoever kind or nature, and for any damage or injury, including but not limited to, financial, legal, personal, emotional, psychological, medical, or otherwise, which you may incur arising at any time as a result of your voluntary decision to participate in the Program.   

Please indicate your agreement by clicking on the box titled, "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this page as follows."

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Fully-Customized Infinity Mind Movie

What if you could create a vision so powerful, so clear, and so compelling that it became inevitable? 

In this Starter Pack Series, Maya will guide you step-by-step in:

  1. Gaining clarity about what you truly desire in life
  2. Releasing any inner resistance to change that may be holding you back
  3. Crafting compelling goal and affirmation statements
  4. Choosing inspiring images and motivational music for your Mind Movie
  5. Cultivating a deep sense of trust in yourself and your path
  6. Experiencing joy and gratitude in the NOW

The result? Your very own customized Infinity Mind Movie to support you in living your life with even more purpose, meaning, and intention.

 This Program Includes

  • Unlimited access to the "Starter Pack" Series
  • 1, one-on-one virtual 45-minute Storyboarding Session
  • Unlimited access to the "Optimization Series"
  • Your very own customized Infinity Mind Movie (up to 5 minutes)

Not sure what an Infinity Mind Movie is? Watch this short video to find out.

Please pay close attention to the content highlighted in green in the terms and conditions.

What People Are Saying:

My Infinity Mind Movie is having a powerful impact on my life already. The process was well-guided and very effective.

Alejandro Bernal | President and CEO, PetDx

This Infinity Mind Movie will go down as one of the most important tools in the 36 years of our company!

Tim Vasquez | Owner and President, Someburros

My Infinity Mind Movie has been crafted in a way that aligns perfectly with my ideas and perceptions of my future state.

Stephanie Gebhardt | CFO, MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions, Inc.

If you want to leverage an evidence-based means of reaching your desired states, I highly recommend Infinity Mind Movies!

Dr. Mike Pelfini | CEO Coach, Vistage Worldwide