Which path will you pave for your journey ahead?

3 Coaching Programs, each with a clear objective, customized process, and transformational results.


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Career Clarity Fundamentals

Gain clarity and insight into your career path and professional purpose.


Duration: 1-Month Program


  • 4, one-on-one 75min. Sessions
  • MBTI Personality Assessment (Sample Report Below)
  • Strong Interest Inventory Assessment (Sample Report Below)
  • Identify top career values
  • Inner Harmony Online Resilience Course
  • Career Toolkit Online Program
  • Coaching Supplement Online Program 

Feeling stuck in your career or seeking a deeper sense of purpose? 

The Career Clarity Coaching Program is designed to guide you through transitions with ease and support you in exploring your professional path. Through personalized sessions and assessments, we’ll delve into your fundamental nature, strengths, values, interests, purpose, ideal workplace environment, and desired occupations, empowering you to make meaningful career decisions with confidence and clarity.

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Resilience Mastery

Develop resilience and emotional self-regulation skills to navigate stress and career transitions effectively.


Duration: 3-Month Program


  • 10, one-on-one 75min. sessions
  • Everything from Career Clarity Fundamentals
  • Inner Balance™ Sensor from Heartmath (Priced at $249) 
  • Stress and Wellbeing Assessment (Sample Report Below)

Feeling overwhelmed with stress or seeking greater confidence during your career transition?

The Resilience Coaching Program combines personalized coaching with science-backed tools to help you self-regulate your body’s response to stress and build resilience. You will learn life-long techniques like HeartMath Techniques, Havening, and EFT Tapping to enhance clarity, confidence, and motivation.




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Complete Breakthrough

Achieve profound personal and professional transformation by overcoming self-limiting beliefs and barriers. 


Duration: 6-Month Program


  • Up to 25 hours of one-on-one sessions 
  • Everything from Resilience Mastery
  • iEQ9 Enneagram Assessment 
  • One, 3-5min. Infinity Mind Movie (valued at $599) 

Feeling trapped in self-doubt or stuck in a rut, ready to break through to the next level of success?

The Breakthrough Coaching Program offers a deeply transformative experience for those seeking intensive, deeper healing work. Through personalized guidance and powerful techniques, you'll identify and release unconscious patterns, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs, paving the way for a renewed sense of confidence and empowerment in your career and life. Plus, create your ideal future and receive a customized Mind Movie to help anchor in the psychological shifts.


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What Others are Saying

"I get blood work done. What was impressive was the improvements in my adrenal glands related to stress and anxiety. It showed in the bloodwork, pretty resounding proof that this practice is working. Really awesome!"

"I would recommend working with Maya to anyone who is interested in deepening their connections to themselves, their communities, and to the possibilities of living a life of more love and freedom."

"You have given me life-changing tools, and behavioral and biofeedback resources and I feel like my mind can overcome any challenge my body presents."


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Design a life and career on your own terms.

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