
As the owner of Someburros restaurants, I was looking to find a way to convey our 5-year mission to our 450 employees in a powerful way.Ā  As luck would have it, my path crossed with Maya Kogan from Infinity Mind Movies.Ā  When I learned exactly what her company does, I knew it was the perfect solution! Maya was incredibly organized throughout the whole process and made it very easy on our team.Ā  Our time with her was so productive and she led the way with her storyboarding and creative skills. When we got to the finished product, I can honestly say that tears came to my eyes!Ā  The final Mind Movie was more than I ever dreamed it could be and was so impactful when we showed it to all of our employees.Ā  They not only heard and saw our vision for the future, but they could also feel it! I believe this Mind Movie will go down as one of the most important tools we have ever utilized in the 36 years of our company!
Tim Vasquez
Owner and President of Someburros
NicoleĀ Harrington
Principal, Winged Keel Group
Maya delivered an outstanding presentation during our company retreat, showcasing her expertise in a truly remarkable way. The practices she introduced, such as Havening and EFT Tapping, have seamlessly integrated into our workplace, providing tangible benefits to both our employees and the leadership team. Maya's insights and tools are of the highest quality, making her an invaluable asset for any team seeking practical and effective strategies. I wholeheartedly recommend herā€”10/10
Natalie Onacki
LeslieĀ Thomas
Chief Psychometric and Strategy Officer
Emma Beveridge
It was truly a pleasure to work with Maya on my Mind Movie.  She shared a helpful template for me to follow and offered resources for images to use in the movie as well.  Maya has a great talent for gathering information and asking insightful questions, then integrating it all into a meaningful Mind Movie. I am very pleased with the way my Mind Movie came together and I enjoy viewing and experiencing it on a daily basis.  
Lori McCallian
Vice President of Operations at PREVAIL
Maya has been a blessing to me, as I practice visualizing changes that I want to make in my life. She has created two Mind Movies for me, which have been crafted in a way that aligns perfectly with my own ideas and perceptions of my future state. The process was well-guided, and easy, and Maya was gracious enough to make edits until it was perfect in my eyes. She has been a bright light in my world and feel so fortunate to have crossed paths with her.
Stephanie Gebhardt
CFO at MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions, Inc.
Maya created two separate Mind Movies for me to use in support of my practice in visualizing goal achievement. Her process for creating the movies is straightforward, customized and simple. The products are very high-quality, and they're having a powerful impact on my efforts when combined with my taking concrete action steps towards achieving the goals. If you want to leverage an evidence-based means of reaching your desired states, I highly recommend enlisting Maya's services in creating a powerful tool for your use!
Dr. Mike Pelfini
Vistage Chair for CEOs & Key Executives
I worked with Maya to develop a Mind Movie, which was well guided and very effective process. My Mind Movie is having a powerful impact in my life already. Maya has also coached a few members of my family. We all admire and appreciate her extensive training and the immense power of her smile, which demonstrates her sincere and deep commitment to our own growth. I highly recommend working with Maya as a coach and as a partner and producer of your own Mind Movie!
Alejandro Bernal
President and CEO, PetDx
When gifted with the opportunity to work with Maya on my own mind movie, I was thrilled.  Maya began the thoughtful process with a series of questions that triggered me to think about the why, the who, the whats…sometimes the very things I have trouble articulating.  She then encouraged me to send personal images, inspirational photos, as well as favorite songs so she could bring to life what I envisioned.  My mind movie has been so much fun to watch over again, often when I need gentle reminders the most.  It’s serious work but presented in a fun, approachable, and very personal way.
Jen Visosky
Founder, Beauty Mark
It was such a pleasure to work with Maya! She is a beautiful soul, full of such positive energy. She has a natural talent for turning your goals and feedback into a personalized, meaningful Mind Movie that is so inspirational. The process she has created to gather the needed information is very simple, taking the hard work out of capturing the energy that you want to feel from your personalized Mind Movie. I look forward to waking up to my Mind Movie and watching it again before I go to bed every day. I also use it as inspiration throughout the day when needed...I am completely inspired by Maya. These make great gifts too! I can not speak highly enough about Maya and the work she does. Just Fabulous!
Rebekah Hogan
Founder, Markah Vida
Maya is an incredible entrepreneur who has a clear vision and purpose of helping others realizing their dreams and potentials. Her Charisma and kindness is infectious! Through the Infinity Mind Movies that Maya created for me, my visual and audio senses are transported to a new height. I never imagined it to have such a powerful impact! I use the mind movie Maya created as my daily affirmation. It is like experiencing your future state right here and right now. Maya's artistry and uncanny ability to understand what her clients need make her work product truly exceptional!
Sincia Liu
Executive Director, Board Member, Founder of Non-Profit
Working with Maya was an absolute pleasure! Maya's process helped me create powerful mind movies that are having a big impact on my life every day! Your energy, enthusiasm, and love for others is contagious! I wholeheartedly encourage others to tap into the magic of working with Maya!
Pete Walsh
Master Coach
Easy, effective, and professional. Maya was a joy to work with on both my professional and personal mind movies. Her process is built for ease and flexibility to get you up and running quickly. As for the results, the mind movies are an invaluable part of my morning routine, of setting intention to my day and to my vision. I recommend Maya to all who are open to using mind movies.
Kevin Traut
President, Superior Press
Maya has a real talent for making very powerful Mind Movies. She walks you through the process step by step and makes sure that it's exactly what you want. I couldn't be more impressed. Thank you so much, Maya.
Dr. Jill Philo
ND, PSc.D, FDN-P, CAPP, APPC, Traditional Naturopath; Functional Health Practitioner
Maya Kogan collaborated with Vered in a presentation to our 26th Women in Family Business program and was inspiring, in particular, to the young women in our program. She shared tools, openly shared perspectives and was poised beyond her years in what could have been a very intimidating situation. Having a mother-daughter team present to a program of business-owning families was very special. Thanks, Maya!
Leslie Dashew
Owner, Human Side of Enterprise
Maya came and led a workshop on Navigating Uncertainty with Resilience for my ASU student-led organization, the Womenā€™s Business Leaders Association. She did an amazing job highlighting how we can manage feelings of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty that we face every day as hardworking college students juggling classes, jobs, and interviews for full-time roles. The technique she taught was amazing and the effect it had was felt individually and in the atmosphere of the room as a whole. I am confident that we will all head into the last stretch of the semester with an effective new tool to tackle our goals with less of an emotional toll. We hope to have her back again!Ā 
Nicole Sandoval
I attended your workshop at ASU on Wednesday for WBLA. I just wanted to send a quick message thanking you for coming in! I felt very safe and valid during your presentation. You have a great spirit and calming energy. It was truly an honor to hear from you! Your presentation was exactly what I needed to hear. I was in a bit of a "funk" that day and wasn't sure who to turn to. The Coherent Decision Technique helped put me at ease. The Heart-Focused Breathing felt like a meditation, but I enjoyed how you made the "heart" the focal point of the exercise. Again, thank you, and continue helping people!Ā 
Alexandria Berthoumieux
Maya is like a magician. Her work - alchemy! If you would like to see, hear, feel, and really know the possibilities for your life, I highly recommend that you work with Maya to produce your own Mind Movie! It's beyond phenomenal! Thank you, Maya.
Dr. Marli Watt
I have been fortunate enough to have worked privately with Maya and LOVED every minute of it. Maya's Mind Movies are amazing and reflect her incredible creative skills that inspire people to live outside their comfort zone and achieve their goals through visualization! Since working with Maya, I have crafted my focus for next year, up-leveled my skills, and increased my confidence by watching my own unique Mind Movie daily. Maya helped bring out the best in me in so many ways and now every day, I get to be inspired and motivated by watching my mind movie at the start of my day and also at the end of my day. It's the perfect positive addition to my morning and evening routine and I'm seeing the results unfold already. If you need motivation to help you to achieve your wildest dreams and goals, then I highly recommend working with Maya!
Deborah Workman
Master Coach
Infinity Mind MoviesĀ have been an absolute game-changer for my daily routine. The first time I watched it, I was moved to tears ā€“ it was pure perfection and expertly crafted. Maya made the entire process easy, fun, and interactive, always ready to address any questions I had. Her responsiveness was impressive, and she went above and beyond, scheduling multiple support calls when needed. The Mind Movie is nothing short of beautiful, exceeding my expectations in the best possible way. I can't recommend this incredible tool and Maya's team highly enough ā€“ a truly transformative experience
Natalie Onacki

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